Sunday, August 07, 2005

Sunday morning

Felt horrible all day yesterday. Beyond tired. Beyond exhausted. Light-headed and very achy. Forearms feeling very weak and with the molasses-for-blood feeling. At one point I was in the car and lifted the Porter Square Books bag off the floor in front of Lisa's seat and it felt like something tore in my brestbone area. Sharp pain. (Or was it more in my right side?)

Was *totally* exhausted last night. Felt like I could just pass out from exhaustion by 7:30. Wanted to watch BSG, though. Unfortunately Sheryl called before it was over and she wanted to talk for a long time. I felt myself tensing up as the call went on and on and I knew I was going to have to stay up later than I wanted. Didn't finally get to bed until about 10pm.

My right side was hurting like hell again. Did the disposable hotpad thing again.

Took about an hour to get to sleep again. Had to give up and rely on the Ativan again. I always feel the pressure from the air very intensely and distractingly at the beginning. I'm so aware of having to make an effort to breathe in and breathe out it's difficult to fall asleep.

I woke up sometime in the pitch dark. Was wide awake. The water from the humidifier had condensed in my mask and it was gurgling. Water was trickling down my cheeks. I had to take it off and shake it on the floor. There was a damp patch on the sheets all over that side of the bed. I put it back on and it wasn't gurgling so I tried to go back to sleep again. No luck. the sun started coming up. I finally just said "screw it" and ripped it off and turned of the CPAP machine and went to sleep easily. Woke up around 9:30.

Feel *much* better today than I did yesterday. But the soles of my feet still hurt; the palm side of my fingers still hurt; my left tricips still hurts when I use it and the painful spot corresponding to a fibromyalgia pressure-point above my left elbow and the muscles/tendons around it still hurt a lot. My ankle and shins are sore, and my knees were quite sore on the way down the stairs this morning.

*NOTE* I don't think I had the weird after-meal feeling after lunch yesterday. But then again, the whole day was that kind of feeling.


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